DairyPill founder young boy sitting in field with cows smiling

Our Story

Growing up in a Swiss-American family meant that DairyPill’s founder, Steve, was practically raised on milk, cheese, and chocolate.

And he loved it.

DairyPill founder teenager struggling with lactose intolerance

But like 1/3 of the US population, that all changed in his 20s when he became lactose intolerant. All of Steve’s favorite foods in life left him feeling sh*tty.

Without a convenient and effective solution to lean on, Steve struggled for years to choose between suffering the consequences of bloating & gas, or cutting out the beloved cheese and ice cream from his life.

DairyPill founder adult happy to have found a solution for lactose intolerance

The previous big brand lactase supplements just weren’t cutting it.

So Steve set out to design the optimal solution for himself, and after years of research, DairyPill was born.

DairyPill is 6x stronger than the big brand supplements, ultra-convenient thanks to our portable Key Pod, and 100% plastic-free!